1st Newport Girls’ Brigade

Girls’ Brigade is a Christian uniformed youth organisation, and the 1st Newport company meets every Wednesday evening (during term time) at Castlehold Baptist Church, Newport, Isle of Wight.

Typical activities during the evening may include games, crafts, badge-work and more.

The age groups are:

n:vestigate for 5 to 8s meets from 18:15 to 19:30

n:gage for 8 to 11s meets from 18:15 to 19:30

n:counta for 11 to 14s meets from 19:30 to 20:45

n:spire for 14 to 18s meets from 19:30 to 20:45

1st Newport Girls’ Brigade is run by a team of dedicated leaders, who believe in providing a safe, caring environment for girls to have fun. All our leaders are DBS (enhanced) checked.

If you would like to find out more, please see our website: www.1stnewportgirlsbrigade.org.uk, phone/text/WhatsApp: 07580268051 (Wednesdays only) or Email: 1stnewportgirlsbrigade@gmail.com

AGLOW International

About AGLOW International

We are a Ministry with a Global Vision.
Aglow is a unique visionary organization of Christian women that some Christian leaders call a “global”movement.” We are established in 170 nations on 6 continents, and minister to an estimated 15 million people each year through a network of local Aglow groups.
Our Mission Statement reflects a strategic eye that sees God’s kingdom brought to earth. Our mission is:

  • To help restore and mobilize women around the world.
  • To promote gender reconciiation in the Body of Christ as God designed.
  • To amplify awareness of global conerns froma Biblical perspective.

For more information about Aglow, our Belief Satement, Core Values, and Mandates, go to www.aglow.org.uk – on the Home Page click on About Aglow and Mandates.

website: http://www.aglow.org.uk/

Bible Prophecy Meetings

Bible Prophecy Meetings

All are welcome to come to the Bible Prophecy Meetings that are held on the second Friday of each month, March to November, excluding August. (There are no meetings in December, January & February) There is ministry & teaching, from the Bible, about what God says concerning His plans for the future of the world and mankind, Israel, and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, from invited speakers. Opportunity for questions. Tea & coffee afterwards.

Venue: Newport Congregational Church, 98 Pyle Street, Newport (By kind permission of Mark Evans – Minister

Time: 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm

For further details, contact the secretary Richard Salmon. Tel. (01983) 526096

Website: newportcongregationalchurch.org.uk
Email: salmonrnj@talktalk.net

Bible Society

Bible Society

Products / Services

Bible Society, based in Swindon, is part of a fellowship of 146 Bible Societies around the world. The Society seeks to see the Bible available, accessible and credible, enabling millions at home and abroad to encounter the Bible in a new way. The Bible’s message can transform lives, which is why the Society is committed to:

  • Making the Scriptures available to everyone in their own language, in a suitable format and at a price they can afford;
  • Encouraging individuals and communities to deepen their understanding and renew their engagement with the Scriptures;
  • Showing that the Bible can make a positive difference in our society and a vital contribution to the way we live.

On the Island speakers, displays, church representatives, the Ryde Action Group and Island representation all do their best to publicise. Managers and representatives from Bible Society often visit to give updates to churches and leadership.

Many resources are available to churches and groups and individuals, including lyfe, h+, Bible Sunday and Open the Book. Bible Society also runs Christian Research (a market research agency offering bespoke and panel research into the Christian world) and Christian Resources Exhibitions, a series of 3 or 4 exhibitions around the UK offering resources to equip and empower the church. More information on the latest campaigns, news and supporter opportunities can be found through the Society’s website biblesociety.org.uk

25 Island churches and a multitude of individual supporters help Bible Society work with their gifts. In particular many support the Bible a Month scheme.

Resources: www.biblesociety.org.uk
Area Manager: Sandra.tebbutt@biblesociety.org.uk
Christian Resources Exhibitions: www.CREonline.co.uk
Island Rep: Rob Prentice: 01983 200850 prentrn.08@onwight.net

Bible Society Resources

Products / services
Bible Society Resources is the Society’s printing and publishing arm, producing Bibles and Bible-related resources for the UK and worldwide markets. Customers (individuals or churches) in the UK can see the range of Bibles (including non-English), books, DVDs and other resources available for purchase via our Online Shop at biblesociety.org.uk/products

By ordering from this Online Shop, you are helping to support Bible Society’s mission to promote the Bible’s availability, accessibility and credibility. Thank you.

Christian Home Education

Christian Home Education

As Christian parents, are you concerned about schools where teachings are often immoral or against God’s rules and values?
Do you believe in brainwashing your children with evolution teaching and teaching them that “If it feels right it must be right!”
Is bullying a problem, or does your child have learning difficulties because of pressure or stress at school or because he or she is a slow worker or a slow developer?
Then perhaps you might consider home education.

Christian home education with T.E.A.C.hH (Christian Education Europe) is an option, not unduly expensive and entirely based on scripture. http://www.christian-education.org/

It is well made, attractive (my boys love it), adapted to the pace of the child, high academic standard and offers a certificate at the end, comparable to the GCSE. It is recognised for entry to colleges or good universities.

If you would like to know more about it, we would love to hear from you.

Jim and Mireille Clark

Contact number 611139

Source: jim.clark@iow.nhs.uk

Creation Matters




“All this beauty is of God.”

(Isle of Wight motto)

Creation Matters! is a network of individuals, from churches across the Isle of
Wight, that seeks to encourage and inspire creation care on and around the Island.
We seek to bring hope and practical good news to the places where we live through
innovative community engagement.
Creation Matters! was formed in 2022 and has attracted Christians from churches
across the Isle of Wight. The aim is to encourage and inspire creation care through
developing an understanding of the Christian response to climate change and
improving biodiversity. Anybody can join the network on the understanding that it is
distinctly a Christian initiative.
We gather, discuss and disseminate practical information and advice and bring
prayerful hope to this beautiful Island through community engagement within and
beyond the Christian church.
We have been supported and inspired in our development by Christian organisations
such as A Rocha UK, Tearfund and Hope for the Future.
Our plans include:
• Presenting our thoughts to the parliamentary candidates this year in the hope that
creation care is a high priority for the next Government.
• Celebrating relevant initiatives across the Island.
• Supporting churches to work towards an Eco Church award.
• Empowering Christians to raise creation care issues in all aspects of their worship
and church life.
• Developing a Creation Matters! website for awareness raising, support, and the
sharing of information and resources.

Contact: creationmattersx@gmail.com

Rehab 4 Addiction




Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need. Secondly, we provide a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in Isle of Wight, a service that could be life-saving. Lastly, we offer a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.

Start your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight by calling our expert team today on 0800 140 4690


Rivers of Joy Ministries


Rivers of Joy ministries is a dynamic evangelical/pentecostal international ministry based on the Isle of Wight with branches at present in 20 countries of the world and nearly 200 churches currently in our network.

Our vision is to save the lost and plant new churches, unite together under our apostolic cover those independent churches that are ready to stand together in unity, train and equip both the members and the leaders of churches and bring revival to the Church.

For those of you in business

Apart from my spiritual role here on the Isle of Wight and internationally, as some of you will know, I also run my own business as a business and life coach. It’s in that capacity that two years ago I started a business network group, called Vectis business link,  that meets every other Tuesday morning for breakfast at the Ryde Castle Hotel on Ryde Esplanade, Ryde from 7am till 9ish. This is a great opportunity to promote your business to other businesses from across the island.

We are now opening our group to any other still unrepresented businesses/trades that wishes to join us or at least visit us and as a guest enjoy a FREE breakfast.

If you wish to attend or require more information please get in touch via email alex.tana@btinternet.com or give me a call on 563144.
Thanks and God bless.
Alex Tana

Website: http://www.riversofjoy.org
Email: riversofjoy@btinternet.com

South Wight area Youth Partnership


SWAY’s (South Wight area Youth Partnership) is a Christian organisation whose aim is to give ‘Hope and Focus’ for the youth of South Wight. This encapsulates what we do and are as SWAY. We are passionate about getting young people together, giving them opportunities to grow, work, play and fulfil their potential.

We believe young peoples’ lives can be transformed regardless of their background or circumstances. Our desire is to meet young people where they are, accept them as they are, and to provide events and groups that will build up self-confidence, improve self-worth and empower them to discover their own potential.

SWAY works with children, and a growing number and range of young people and their families. SWAY aspires to develop individuals who can cope with whatever life throws at them, to have hopes and dreams for their future and the skills to make their aspirations a reality.

We have established a relationship with young people through our youth groups and drop-in evenings. For our families these groups and events also provide encouragement and impetus as well as opportunities to work together and recognise that they are not alone in in their area in facing their challenges. These activities such as a residential, night hike or bonfire party relieve that sense of isolation and improves self-worth and esteem. SWAY’s activities and groups also provide opportunities for some of our young people to volunteer to help these events run efficiently.

Our website is: www.southwightyouth.org

Contact us at  swayoffice1@gmail.com



The Garth Retreat House

The Garth is a small retreat house run by the Benedictine nuns of St Cecilia’s Abbey, Ryde. It offers self-catering accommodation to those who wish to spend time in prayer and recollection. Retreatants of all denominations are welcome and encouraged to attend Mass and to share in the Divine Office, sung in Latin in Gregorian Chant.

Website: http://www.stceciliasabbey.org.uk

The Isle of Wight Traditional Anglican Mission Of Saint Barnabus

The Isle of Wight
Traditional Anglican Mission Of Saint Barnabus

(Affiliated to the Traditional Anglican Church in Great Britain and part of the Worldwide Traditional Anglican Communion)

SUB DEACON – Andrew Pellow
2 Radley Cottages
Isle of Wight
PO34 5DW
Tel: 01983 612796
For further information (message may be left)

THE MISSION meets most Sundays of the year –

For Evensong according to the Book of Common Prayer – at 4.00 pm
(unless otherwise advertised at 3.00 pm)

Occasional weekday services
Regualar calendar of Services with Feast Day observances et al.

TSSF (Third Order Society of St Francis)

The Third Order is a worldwide Anglican Franciscan Religious Order of men and women over the age of 18, lay and ordained, married and single, young and old.  We commit ourselves to leading our lives according to a Rule of Life, while living in our own homes, working in the community and caring for our families.

The Aims of the Order are:

To make our Lord Jesus Christ known and loved everywhere.

To live simply

To spread the spirit of love and harmony.

We meet monthly.  Enquiries to Jane Morley novguard@tssf.org.uk

Urban Saints Westbrook Centre

Urban Saints Westbrook Centre
A residential centre, suitable for church, youth and school groups, set in 18 acres of mixed parkland near Ryde. We’ve been offering quality, bespoke, day and residential experiences since 1948. A few days at Urban Saints Westbrook can make a huge difference to the children and young people you work with. Time away together deepens relationships and unlocks great new opportunities and cements the investment you make throughout the year. Urban Saints Westbrook provides a safe and fun environment, founded on Christian beliefs so that young people have the opportunity to form genuine and lasting relationships. The centre will also provide a place where they can express their faith and have the tools to learn more about it.
Urban Saints Westbrook Centre, Oakhill Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1PU
Bookings: Helen Davison
01983 811118
(Part of the UK Youth Discipleship Movement – Urban Saints: https://www.urbansaints.org)

Women’s Aglow Fellowship

Women’s Aglow Fellowship

Our mission is to lead women to Jesus Christ and provide opportunity for Christian women to grow in their faith and minister to others.

We welcome ladies to come and join us at:
The Riverside Centre,
The Quay,
Meetings are held on the third Friday of each month,
Meal at 7.00pm (Cost – £5.00)
or Tea/Coffee at 7.45 pm for meeting only

Bookings for the meal:
Contact – Pat – 759420 (mobile: 07790415178)
or Josie – 522243 email: foxlion@onetel.com

Websilte: http://www.aglow/home.htm