Wight Church Newsletter No 699
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Wight Church Newsletter No 699


Wight Church Network
       Transformation Partnership Connection
Islandwide Church Noticeboard

No 699       Circulation:  608     6th February 2025

Next Issue - 20th February 2025

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Featured EventAll Island Celebration on 31st Jan - Patrick Regan   
                             Video 1     Video 2     Video 3     Photos      Books
Featured National Initiative - The Big Church Read
Featured Ministry - Clarion Call Ministries - John and Pam Yates
Revival Prayer Diary for the Island - February 2025 authored by Richard Buxton

February onwards - Free Training in Permaculture - Apex Church Cowes
Sunday 9th February - Taste of Taizé - All Saints Gurnard
Tuesday 11th February -  Furthest South - Illustrated Talk at St Lawrence Parish Church
Saturday 15th February - The Green Kingdom with Ruth Valerio at Newport Methodist
Saturday 15th February - Revive Us - Day of Prayer and Worship at Newport Congregational
Sunday 16th February - Beetle Drive at St John's Church Hall Newport
Sunday 23rd February - UK director from Ebenezer Operation Exodus speaking on "Understanding the Church's Responsibility to Israel " at St Paul's Barton. 
Wednesday 26th February - Licensing of Revd Ryan Cook to Cowes C of E Churches
Friday 28th February -  Saturday 1st March - “Pray the Wight 24 hours
Wed 5th March - Westbrook FREE Webinar - 
How to develop an Intentional Disciple Making Culture.
Saturday 15th March  - Lent Retreat Day at Verbum Dei Retreat Centre, Nunnery Lane, Carisbrooke
Saturday 22nd March - Tritone Singers - Spring Concert at Christ Church Totland
Tues 25th - Fri 28th March - Bouncing Forwards retreat with Patrick Reagan at Ashburnham Place
10th -  14th April - Kings Fleet  Maritime Mission Conference 25 at Westbrook House
Saturday 12th April - Phoenix Choir at Newport Minster
Friday 9th May - LICC Vision Event - "Every Day Matters"  at Newport Minster
Saturday 10th May - Leaders Breakfast with LICC Team at Carisbrooke Priory
July - Mellow Drama returns to Ventnor Fringe
22nd - 24th August - Big Church Festival 2025 -West Sussex - Opportunity for discounted Tickets

Ongoing Events
Alternate Mondays and Wednesdays - Ukulele Club at Wootton and Bembridge  
Tuesdays - 0900 till 1200 The Meeting Place at Ryde Methodist Community Hall
4th Tuesday of the month - Craft Group at St Peter's Church Shorwell
1st & 3rd Sundays -  ONLINE CHURCH on
2nd Sunday of the Month - FaithCafe and All Age Worship - Disciple Makers
3rd Sunday of the Month  Jan Feb and Mar  -  Ryde URC Cafe Church
3rd Sunday of the Month - FaithCafe Afternoon Walking Fellowship
Mondays - Renew Cowes   Cowes Baptist Church
Tuesdays in Term Time, Toddlers – 9.30-11am.  Cowes Baptist Church. Email
Wednesdays  - Living with the Word of God at Verbum Dei Retreat Centre
Alternate Wednesdays - Sunshine Group  at Garfield Road Ryde
Wednesdays 1.00pm - 3.00pm - The Cuppa Club at Ryde Methodist Church Hall
Wed and Fri - 11am - 1pm - Open House Warm Space Church on the Roundabout  
Thursday Lunchtimes  Need to Talk to Someone?  at ASDA Coffee Shop in Newport.
4th Thursday monthly - 10.00 - 1130am - Coffee and Chat at All Saint's Gurnard

Notices and Nuggets
Church Based Job Vacancies at Ryde Church
FREE - Children's Bibles and books
Books by Partick Regan OBE - 
Speaker at the All Island Celebration on 31st Jan
CAP - Free Debt Advice
Revive Newport is now focussing solely on Youth
IOW Foodbank February Items Most Needed
Deep Time or Young Earth?   

Committed Christians donate almost five times the UK monthly giving average
Some exciting news from Urban Saints regarding Westbrook
Bible study material for your group

Whatsapp Information Group for UK March for Life
Newsletters from other Organisations
Most of these files are pdf files and download to your Downloads folder unless your computer is set to display them immediately

Quick Links
Wight Church Website
Directory of Island Church Congregations
Directory of Island Christian Organisations
Directory of Island Christian Businesses 

If your organisation or church has a regular newsletter or notice that you
would like others to see, send us a copy and we'll include it here.

To give, in support of the Wight Church Newsletter
go to our Stewardship Account,
email Rob and Cath Whillier or telephone 07486073586
This is the end of the Headline information. Below this point most of the
above items can be found in detail. If you prefer, just scroll through.

Source:   Ashley Hood


Source:   Mike Peskett


 Source: Jill Fothergill    (Contact no. 07790960161)


Source:  Bob White


Source:  Miriam


Source:  Tim Thorne


Source:  Pam Yates


Licensing of Revd Ryan Cook
to Cowes C of E Churches

Source:  Ed


“Pray the Wight 24 hours”  
 on  FRIDAY 28th FEBRUARY 8.00pm – SATURDAY 1stMARCH 8.00pm.  

The last Island-wide Prayer gathering “Revive the Wight” in October, with believers from between 20-30 churches from across the Island attending over the day, and leaders of prayers and worship from 14 different churches, shows the appetite for collective prayer. 

To continue the momentum, and to keep a variety in how we all engage in prayer together, the Wight Church Network is planning an Island-wide prayer event to be conducted partly in person and partly on Zoom, that people across the Island can participate in, as and when they were available, throughout its duration.    

Source: Richard & Rajinder Buxton



Westbrook Academy, the training arm of Urban Saints – Next FREE Webinar!...

Our next free webinar will be held on 
Weds 5th March, 7- 8pm  
where we will be considering 

How to develop an Intentional Disciple Making Culture.

Our Academy Principal, Dr Keith Foster, has worked extensively with pastors, denominational leaders and many others, in helping them develop a culture of disciple making within their specific ministry context.
Whether you are working within your local community, or within the church, and with whoever that might be – with opportunities for questions, this free webinar is designed to give you some essential tips toward the development of a culture where disciple making is normative.
We look forward to seeing you online in our next webinar which will be available soon via this link, but in the meantime please do peruse our other courses   or contact us via


LENT RETREAT DAY - " Jesus loved them to the end"

Date:  15th March 2025.    Time: 10.30 - 4.30

Venue:  Verbum Dei Retreat Centre, Nunnery Lane, Carisbrooke, Newport PO30 1YR
Details:  A quiet space to explore chapters 13 - 17 of St.John's gospel. Please if possible bring a bible and a notebook

A light lunch is provided. 
The cost for the day is a suggested donation on £20.

For more information contact Patricia Yandell on 07835948435 or email


This concert is in memory of Robin Lang who was a longstanding member of the Tritone singers until his untimely death in 2024.
The chamber choir will sing some of Robin’s favourite pieces of music, including Brahms’ Geistliches Lied (Sacred Song) and some of the Gerald Finzi settings of Robert Bridges poems. Also Richard Wilkins has set to music a poem previously written by Judith Lang, Robin’s mother, which was read at his funeral, entitled “Call of Summer” and which aptly sums up Robin’s love of the great outdoors, it’s seasons and the reasons he worked for the National Trust.

 A small string ensemble will accompany some of the pieces in appreciation of Robin’s love of the cello and his years playing with the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra
Tritone will be supporting, and also donations will be accepted, to Robin’s favoured charities, Unicef and Water Aid UK.

Tickets are £10 (children free) available online or on the door.
Please note this concert starts at 7pm. 

Source:   Judy Valvona


Kings Fleet Maritime Missions

“Connecting, Encouraging and Supporting Maritime Missions around the world”

Kings Fleet Maritime Missions are excited to be holding their 2025 annual conference at Westbrook House in Ryde.  
If you are already involved in maritime ministry in some way, or you are dreaming about how to combine your love of boats with the Kingdom, this is for you!
The Kings Fleet conference is held annually and exists to Connect, Encourage and Support maritime missions around the world. 
Historically it has been held in Sweden, Greece, Germany and the USA, but in 2025 it will be right here on the Isle of Wight!
Join us from the 10th -  14th April for great teaching, sailing and worship!

To learn more and register visit:  

Source:   Cameron Springthorpe   Tel: 07980892762

Source:   Ed

The Wight Church Team welcome you to:
LICC Vision Event
Everyday Matters
Friday 9 May
Newport Minster
With Paul Woolley and Ken Benjamin

Also on Saturday 10 May at 9am
Leaders’ Breakfast at Carisbrooke Priory
An opportunity for a follow up conversation
Booking will be necessary via Sheila Bates

Source:   Andrew Hough

Big Church Festival 2025 -West Sussex 
Opportunity for discounted Tickets

I am a member of St James's Church Ryde and  we are gathering a group of people to go to the Big Church Festival (West Sussex) on the August Bank Holiday this year. We had a group go last year and it was such a blessing with 30,000 people all worshiping together! This year, we wondered if other Christians across the island wanted to have a weekend worshipping God and spending time with His people.  It is such a fantastic festival and caters for the whole spectrum of ages and tastes and this year they are running kids groups too.  
The group tickets are effective as it enables you to access a good discount, which you otherwise can't get, but you don't have to arrive, leave or stick together! It is just a form of booking and the more people go as part of the group, the cheaper the tickets are.

We really wanted to open this up to others and would love for your congregation to be part of it. If you are willing, I would appreciate you sharing the below link. If you don't feel that you can for whatever reason, no problem.

Big Church Group - Isle of Wight Link

Yours in Christ

Alex Hay
Ongoing Events


Source:   Peter Bourne

Source:   Barbara Cram
  230125 - 311225

All Age Worship - Disciple Makers - on YouTube  
Here is your All Age service online for the next couple of weeks:
SONGS Blinded by Your Grace (Stormzy), Freely Freely, No Longer Slaves, Harvest Time & HYMN I the Lord of Sea & Sky. Captions available. 
Source:  Stella Hardiman



On 1st & 3rd Sundays: 

Short contemporary worship, prayers & reflections are uploaded for those unable to get to Church. SUBTITLES in English & a variety of foreign languages are included to help make worship accessible to hospital / care workers & those for whom English is not their first language.                            
Source:  Stella Hardiman



Source:  Peter Banks







Renew Wellbeing Café – A place where it’s OK not to be OK. 
Every Monday, 10-2, including soup lunch.  Cowes Baptist Church, Victoria Road, Cowes. 
All welcome.


Living with the Word of God”

Meeting EVERY Wednesday facilitated by the Community from 12.00 – 2.30 at the

Verbum Dei Retreat Centre, Nunnery Lane Carisbrooke,

a time for:

coffee, a themed talk, prayer, sharing and light lunch.

Cost  - a donation of £5


Source:   Patricia Yandell




Source:  Peter Bourne



Source:   Shirley Whittingstall


Source:   Tony Murphy

Need to Talk to Someone?

On Thursday lunchtimes AFTER 12, local Baptist minister Stella Hardiman offers a listening ear at the ASDA Coffee Shop in Newport.  Ask at the coffee shop if you're not sure. 

Stella Hardiman  Mob. No is 07950 042362




Source:   Mike Peskett


Notices and Nuggets

Church Based Jobs at Ryde

There are exciting opportunities at based at All Saints.  We are recruiting for two 20-hour posts for a Children and Families Leader and a Youth Leader.  

Salary scale is: £22,300 - 23,300 which would be pro rata for 20 hours.  

These roles could be combined into one for the right person.

For further information contact June Morell

We look forward to hearing from you!

Children's Bibles and books

I used to run a Sunday school until the church closed.
These are some of the books that I have which I no longer need.


If they are of use to anyone I would be pleased to let them have them,

If you or anyone you know would like them or would like to see them please contact me first by email

Margaret Hill

Books by Partick Regan OBE
Guest Speaker at the Wight Church Network All Island Celebration on 31st January 2025 

All available through Amazon                                  Brighter Days

Please could church leaders and members share this information.

Did you know there is a CAP - Christians Against Poverty UK ( DEBT HELP CENTRE) on the IOW. 
If you need some professional debt help just call the number on the poster and an appointment will be made for someone to visit you in your home and support you with the help you need to get out of debt. This is a free service.
Source:  Sandra Snell

After nearly 20 years of serving our community in various ways, Revive Newport is now focussing solely on the Youth of Newport. Youth work has been a part of our work since April 2009 when we did our first Band Nite and now we do this through Newport Youth Cafe and detached youth work. There is such need for people to work with this sometimes forgotten group and we are excited to see how we can grow what we are currently doing.
Please continue to support us by signing up for our news and prayer letter, getting involved and through giving to this work.

Please email with the word HELP and we will let you know more info.

To give please use
this link:

Pete Luther

Revive Newport

Some exciting news from Urban Saints regarding Westbrook
The whole of the Westbrook site is to undergo some major renovation, repairs and redevelopment works starting in the coming weeks. These are long overdue, and necessary to bring the site up to date and fulfil its true potential as a centre for residential stays, activities and discipleship for all ages. During this time, Westbrook, including the accommodation facilities and all activities, will be closed for safety reasons. It is anticipated that we will re-open by Spring 2025.
Should you have any questions in the meantime, please contact me at

Darren Burn
Operations Manager
Urban Saints Westbrook
Westbrook Centre, Oakhill Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1PU
Call: 01582 325540   Email:


Looking for free Bible study material for your group?
I have a number of copies available of Chris’s book ‘I don’t believe it ’ for small group Bible studies. Chris, who was priest in charge at St Paul’s Barton and later chaplain at Carisbrooke Priory took his title from Victor Meldrew!
In each chapter, he focuses on a different passage from the Bible that he had always struggled with and, as he was so skilled at doing, encourages us to look at it from a different perspective. The style is very relaxed but thought provoking.
 It is particularly designed for group Bible study as there are questions at the end of each chapter. My own Bible study group were used as Guinea Pigs at the time of writing and found them very helpful. I am happy to give away a set of books as I would like them to be used. They could either be collected from Carisbrooke or, given a bit of time, I would be happy to deliver them. If you would like a sample copy first, then let me know by email

I also have some copies of his book The Holy Caterpillar which is more autobiographical. A friend recently said that it was the best Christian book that she had ever read!!  


Source: Ann Hawker (Lane)

Free Microwave

I have a microwave which has hardly been used.

Free to anyone who wants it.   

Yvonne Good


Embracing Age -The Big 10 Challenge 

Could you help bring joy to more Residents like Rose?

This November is Embracing Age’s 10th anniversary (nationally) and we wanted to say a huge thank you for the important ministry you’re doing to make the world a place where older people are valued, connected and full of hope.

We want to bring joy and companionship to even more people in our second decade so we’re holding a Big 10 Challenge to raise vital funds to make that possible and would be very grateful for your help spreading the word please, for example by: 

We appreciate this is one of your busiest times of year, but if you felt able to do a small fundraising event (e.g. hosting a coffee morning, selling crafts, etc) or hold a collection for us, that would be amazing. You can get our free fundraising guide here or email for free posters, invitations or other fundraising resources.

Thank you so much from all the Embracing Age team. 



Just a quick hello to say I am looking forward to getting out and about to share the story of 'Lake of Tears.'
I am planning to visit Northern Ireland from the 3rd to 11th December and if you would like me to share the story of the Lake of Tears and my testimony at your church or group please do get in touch.

I will be in Coleraine (CCV) Causeway Coast Vineyard (DV) after the main service on Sunday 8th Dec and that evening at First Portadown Presbyterian Church (DV). Other dates so far are closed groups but I will keep you posted with more details shortly.

The book launch at Lee Abbey was really encouraging, in fact, we sold out.
I have held back from writing to you while awaiting more books.
The reprint arrived on Monday (4 Nov) so there are plenty to go around now.  Order details are below.

Kelvin <><

Instagram, Account: @kelvinvburke__ (two underscores)
Purchase Lake of Tears
Springmead Publishing Online Sales
Amazon Online Sales



Steve Gravett attends a church in Ryde on the Isle of Wight. Steve has been a Christian for over fifty years and currently is a member of the Gideons and the Full Gospel Businessmen on the IOW. - Ed


UK March for Life - Whatsapp Information Group
Whatsapp information group for Isle of Wight folk who may wish to be informed about the UK March for Life, taking place in September 2025, highlighting the Christian belief in the sacredness of all human life, from conception to natural death, as well as our sorrow over the very many abortions being carried out in our nation and in the wider world.

If you would like to be added to the group, to be sent more information as it becomes available and to maybe organise transport , possibly local meetups etc.... please send a mail to, requesting to join the group. No personal details necessary.

A link to a video about this year's event:  

Visit my blog webpage

Source:  Jonathan Skeet

Three Comfortable Gites in France

In the grounds of La Charpenterie, parts of which date back to the 15th Century.
Great for all year round breaks; each with Wood Burning Stoves. Pet friendly

Situated midway between
Futurascope, The Loire Vally Chateaux and Puy du Fou,

Le Lavoir  is a newly converted gite with pool for 2 persons   NEW

L'Eèbènisterie is refurbished Stone Cottage (with Pool) for up to 5 persons.

Le Petit Toit is a lovingly restored rural gite
for 2 persons

Mobile:  0033 649699146

Contact Helen Rogers

Steve and Helen were formerly members of the Church on the Isle of Wight and, with family here, regularly visit.


Nail cutting, removal of hard skin/corns, Diabetic care, cracked heels, general foot care advice.

Home appointments £32

PLEASE CALL LEANNE - 07552628465



Kingdom Creative, an initiative that seeks to help churches/ministries with their graphic design work in order to reach more people for the kingdom. 
Projects, posters, branding or any other graphic design work.
Helping churches with their youtube thumbnails for their weekly livestream, so that instead of having the same image, each livestream has a designed thumbnail suitable for the specific message. The idea of this is that this way the videos get viewed more by the public when they see a thumbnail specifically representing that talk.

Peter Herman

Accredited Counselling Training
on the Isle of Wight

Known as WCTI ( Wight Counselling Training Institute) We are an established counselling training provider in Shalfleet, Near Newport that provides 3 accredited Counselling Qualifications:

An introduction to counselling over 10 weeks

A professional certificate in Counselling over 12 months

A professional diploma in Counselling leading to registration as a counsellor ( 2 years)

We also provide organisations on the island with funded counselling support.

If you would like more information or wish to apply, please do get in touch

Charlotte Collins Co-director Wight Counselling Training Institute
Web Site    01983 722625




The Greenhouse is a Place of Prayer and Worship. A place of Enounter with God. A Place Where You Can Grow
The Greenhouse Christian Centre is situated between Poole and Bournemouth and just a 20 minute walk to the beach. The Centre holds Led and Silent Retreats, Quiet Days, Healing Services, Art Weeks, Discipleship Training Days and so much more.
More information can be found on the
Are you lonely and not particularly enjoying facing life on your own? Do you wish God would answer your prayers for a soul mate? Then you should contact Friends1st the off-line Christian friendship and introductory agency who've been introducing Christians to each other since 1999.
Click here to find out more.

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